Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why I Run

Why I Run...

I run to keep fit
I run to get moving
I run to be inspired
I run to inspire others

I run to look and feel good
I run because I'm motivated
I run to boost my immune system
I run because it sparks my imagination
I run because it increases my creativity
I run because God gave me two feet, and walking just doesn't cut it
I run to practice for the day I may have to outrun a cheetah
I run because it gives me peace of mind
I run to get a breath or two of fresh air
I run to clear my thoughts and reset
I run because it makes me stronger
I run to enjoy the great outdoors
I run to increase my endurance
I run to get motivated
I run to relax
I run because I can

1 comment:

  1. My two favorite lines:

    I run because God gave me two feet, and walking just doesn't cut it (good point)

    I run to practice for the day I may have to outrun a cheetah (lol, okay...)
